
North American Journal of Psychiatric Clinics
September 2020
The Business Case for Mental Health Equity
The Business Case for Mental Health Equity

Health Progress
March-April 2018
Nature of Community Hospital Systems Gives Them a Research Edge

Health Progress
March-April 2016
Ensuring the Values in Value-Based Payment

American College of Chest Physicians
January 2014
Addressing Disparities and Achieving Equity: Cultural Competence, Ethics, and Health-care Transformation

Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
Spring 2013
Doing Good and Doing Well: Corporate Social Responsibility in Post Obamacare America

Boston Bar Association, Health Law Reporter
September 2012
What’s Empathy Got to Do with It: Medicaid Expansion and Empathic Space
Initium Health
Initium was founded on the principle of returning to the origins of health with innovative solutions for patients, administrators, and providers. Initium is a public benefit corporation committed to improving human health.